
Splitstone has a unique and distinct character that makes a bold statement. Its solid stone look and feel conjures up images of a classic English manor.
Substantial in nature, rough in finish - this premium stone adds a rugged beauty to its immense character. When used with cills, lintels and quoins the naturally distinctive Splitstone home will stand in a league of its own.

Our award-winning sawnstone range combines the precision of a diamond tipped saw cut, with the natural beauty of solid stone.
Timeless in its appeal, sawnstone enhances both classical and contemporary designs. Its clean, smooth lines create an atmosphere of nobility and elegance, no matter what the architectural style.
Custom crafted curves, plinths, cills, lintels and quoins will transform your home into a timeless, unique work of art. Unleash your creativity and build a lasting dream.
Ahi is taken from the upper layers of Hinuera’s source. Varied in texture, it features clasts of pumice that enhance its visual appeal. Ahi’s colour varies from grey to cream and when kiln fired, from warm Ochre to golden haze.
Enquire about Ahi claddingSplitstone


Clear of pumice clasts, Awa grade is smooth with occasional grain and mineral veining similar to wood grain. Its natural colour ranges from fawn to cream and when kiln fired, becomes a rich golden brown.
Enquire about Awa claddingSplitstone
